Thursday 5 August 2010

Cricket - Maintaining High Performance With Off-Season Training

When the cricket season finishes it is time to reflect on your performances and goals that were achieved over the course of the season.

A coach's role is to implement a plan, which will allow you and your team to develop the skills necessary to play at peak performance throughout next season. The subsequent result is that all players within the club will play to the best of their ability and this will ultimately determine how successful you will be as a Club. This success will also enable the club to produce players playing cricket at higher levels of representative cricket including 1st Class cricket.

Prior to the commencement of the pre-season training and trials players should develop an off-season training program. The main purpose of such a program is to allow your body to recover from all injuries, maintain some skill base and to build general fitness for the start of next season.

The program consists of:

General Base Training -- cardiovascular and abdominal/core strength work.
Optional Net Training Sessions -- skills and drills on batting, bowling and fielding.
Pre-season Fitness Sessions -- (running/boxing/games etc).

General Base Training Program Given that everyone has varying levels of fitness it is easier (and safer) to start with a basic cardio program. This will allow you to build a solid fitness base for the commencement of the season. If possible see if you can organise to do your sessions with other players.

Cardiovascular (running) Jog (moderate intensity at Conversational VO2max -- i.e you can still talk to the person next to you). Duration should be around 3km on the first day/session. This should take around 15-25minutes.

Each session should be designed to build on the work of the previous week and month so that by the end of three months you will be ready to extend yourself for the official pre-season training. You may substitute cross training (i.e. bike and x-trainer sessions) for running if you have problems due to injuries.

The cardio program is as follows: (Three times a week) Month 1 Week 1 -- 3 kms Week 2 -- 4 kms Week 3 -- 5 kms Week 4 -- 4 kms Month 2 Week 1 -- 4 kms Week 2 -- 5 kms Week 3 -- 6 kms Week 4 -- 5 kms Month 3 Week 1 -- 5 kms Week 2 -- 6 kms Week 3 -- 7 kms Week 4 -- 6 kms

Core Strength and Abs work After running (cardio session) you should spend around 10-minutes working on your abdominal/core strength. The best way to build a firm base of strength in this area is to target the '3' basic areas of the abdomen.

1. Upper Abdominals (3 x 25 repetitions)

The most effective exercise for this area is the basic crunch. Lying on the ground, knees bent & hands behind your head, crunch up as far as you can, eyes fixed on the roof (or sky above if training outdoors). Breathe out on every contraction.

2. Lower Abdominals (3 x 15 repetitions)

A great exercise for the lower abdominals is the 'V-Sit'. This is best performed on a bench (park bench) but it can also be done on the floor (albeit much harder). Sit on the edge of a bench/seat, knees & ankles together & pull your knees into your chest. To help stabilise your upper & lower body hold onto the bench (hands next to your butt).

3. Transverse Abdominals (3x30seconds)

Transverse abdominals are the muscles that run 'East-to-West' on your stomach. They are responsible for holding in the contents of the abdominal cavity and are always used in sporting situations -- particularly for cricketers. To exercise this muscle group it is best to start with the 'plank' or 'bracing' exercise. To do this you lie on the floor (face down) then support your own body weight with your elbows (elbows positioned under your shoulders).

Note: Caution with this exercise. If you have weak abs you'll find that after 15 seconds or so your lower back will become strained. To stop lower back stress with this exercise follow these directions:

When in the start position (elbows on floor) raise your hips up as high as you can. You will feel no pressure on your abs here.

Now lower your hips until you feel your lower back get a little bit tight.
Once you feel a strain in your lower back lift your hips slightly (1-2cm is usually enough) and when the tension is released from your lower back hold this position.
Over the course of the 30-second contraction your lower back may become tight at some point. If it does, lift your hips a centimetre or two.
Finish the exercise (in the prescribed time) with no back pain by making these small adjustments.


To help you maintain an adequate level of fitness over the off-season do the following:

Cardio running program @ moderate intensity 3 times per week (as per the schedule)

After each run do the abdominal exercises (mentioned above)

Crunches: 3 x 25 reps
'V-Sits': 3 x 15 reps
Bracing: 3 x 30 seconds
Total time for each workout = 40 to 60 mins

Further Information on the Cardiovascular (Running) Program You are endeavouring to focus on cardiovascular endurance in this 3-month phase. It is recommended that the type of aerobic activity should emulate the playing situation (weight bearing/running). Some cross training can be factored into the base training program (swimming/cycling/cross-trainer) but this should not exceed 1/3 of the weekly cardiovascular training load.

Remember the more hard work you put in before the season and early on the more fun and success you will have as individuals and as a Club next season.

Craig Stubbs is an accredited level 3 coach with the Australian Cricket Board. Craig is also a financial services business executive having been in large corporate environments and in his own successful company. He uses his business background in managing teams to success and combines this with his cricket knowledge. This gives him a unique perspective on coaching, encouraging and nurturing cricketers to reach their full potential and how to put successful teams together.

Craig has also assisted ASIC in the Craig Stubbs Fincorp investigation into the company owners.

Classic Mini Car - A Cult TV and Movie Star

Who would have thought that the British Mini car would have turned out to be one of the most popular classic cars of all time for all sorts of reasons? In August 2009 the classic mini car celebrates a half-century.

This illustrious career started with the building of the classic Mini in 1959 and continued to as recently as 2000 under the ownership of BMC. Eventually the old company was sold to BMW who went on to produce the Mini again in 2001, this time the car had been renamed the BMW Mini.

There were many updates to the basic models over the years with sportier models being added to the range from 1961 called the Mini Cooper and Mini Cooper S.

It is probably these later models that made the Mini the famous car that it is today. In the 1960's it won the Monte Carlo Rally three times with a fourth win cruelly denied it by a somewhat suspicious disqualification.

Following hot on the trail was the start of an acclaimed movie and TV career. Who could ever forget the major role it played in the original film of 1969 called the 'Italian Job' starring Michael Cain. In the more recent remake of the film in 2003 with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron, the classic Mini was played by the new BMW Mini.

Another major role for the Mini was a fast paced car chase in the 2002 movie 'The Bourne Identity' where they went through four Classic Minis to make the film.

A Mini 1000 starred in the long trip across New Zealand in the film 'Goodbye Pork Pie' from 1981.

A cult British show also chose the Mini to appear in their popular comedy series. The main character Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson) was the somewhat strange owner who used the car in numerous hilarious sketches.

It might be a small car but it has certainly experienced some big times throughout it's career. There is no less enthusiasm about the classic Mini car today than there was prior to the millennium.

If you can't resist a mini take a look at classic Mini car parts an enthusiasts treasure trove http://www.classic-carparts,

Rejuvenate Your Soul With Massage Therapy

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Legendary Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born in Indiana, USA on 29th August, 1958. This American superstar entertained the audiences for many decades. Michael was a musical prodigy, with exceptional singing and dancing talent. Single sequined white glove, moonwalk, high pitched voice, and white socks with black shoes became the trade mark of Michael Jackson. He was undoubtedly one of the most popular and successful pop stars of 80s. With stunning musical versatility, eye-popping dance moves and tons of sheer star power, he dominated the charts for many years. Album Thriller was his best-known accomplishments, and was largest-selling album of all times.

Michael Jackson had been influenced by the work of musicians like James Brown, Little Richards, Diana Ross, Gene Kelly, David Ruffin, Sammy Davis and Bees Gees. He also admired the performances by English music hall tradition such as Charlie Chaplin and Benny Hill.

Life of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson started his career early, along with his elder brothers, and soon emerged as lead vocalist of the group. He easily impressed audiences with the range and depth of his emotions. His career progressed very gradually, and he was the first black artist who found the stardom on MTV.

Michael Jackson lived a lonely and sad life, and he always felt that no one is able to understand him. He had a tough childhood, and felt that his father was always very stern and hard who would beat him up often prior to stage performances. He entered entertainment industry when he was six years old, and regretted the fact that he could never enjoy fun things that kids of his age do, such as parties, sleepover, trick-or-treat and so on. He always longed for true friends, and often wandered on the streets in the night, looking for someone to talk to. He confessed to crying many times in the privacy of his house. Michael Jackson loved children, and spent almost all his life helping million of children all across the globe. However, he always felt that media exploited his concern for children, and made him the vulnerable target.

Despite all his accomplishments, media always focused on his eccentricities, and portrayed him as the molester. In 1993, he was accused of molesting a teenager boy. Though he denied the charges and tried the out-of-court settlement, all his attempts failed to restore his image. In 1994, he married Lisa Presley, the daughter of King Elvis Presley. Many people believed that it was just a show by Jackson to end the accusations of him being gay.

Towards the end of his life, Michael Jackson had become the favorite punch line for media, and was always surrounded by troubles. On June 25th, 2009, Michael Jackson collapsed due to cardiac arrest, and was rushed to UCLA medical center. There, he was pronounced dead at the age of 50. At that time, he was rehearsing and training for the upcoming comeback set for final performances. Police decided to treat his death as homicide after they found several drugs in his body. To date, police is conducting investigations on Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal doctor. One of the greatest music heroes of the century had to face a very unfortunate and untimely death. At the time of his death, he was known more for his wild spending, erratic behavior and several plastic surgeries, rather than for his music.

His death came as a major shock for all Michael Jackson fans throughout the world. July 7th, 2009 was the day of Jackson's memorial, and it took place at Los Angeles Staple Center. On 3rd September 2009, his body was finally put to rest at Forest Lawn Memorial after much debate with his family.

Michael Jackson was a great artist, and will always live in the hearts of his million fans who have undying love for him.

Rolf Joho is a writer with many various interests and he owns several websites on a variety of topics. Some great resources for you would be to visit Michael Jackson Reminiscence

Volkswagen Polo GTI - No Extra Costs, Even For DIY Enthusiasts

It's amazing what people will do if they feel it is socially acceptable. For example auditioning to be locked in a house for three months surrounded by cameras is the gateway to 'stardom', jumping off a tall building to your imminent death before a piece of cloth catches the air is seen as 'fun' and jumping into a freezing cold Scottish lake on New Year's Day is 'tradition'. People also think nothing of taking a screwdriver to the family Volkswagen Polo and having a bash at 'improving' it themselves.

I must admit that I'm guilty of having a go at modifying my current and previous wheels with mixed success. It's funny to think that despite the millions of pounds spent designing the car you own; people automatically assume a few hundred quid here and there will improve it. Imagine if you applied this to your household items. Your washing machine for example spins at 1,000 a minute. Have you ever thought of turbo-charging it to boost spin power by 50%? Of course you haven't as the professionals who built it would've done that already if it improved the cleanliness of your clothing.

I've got a toasted sandwich maker loving stored at the back of one of my cupboards that's never seen the light of day. Do I have the urge to mould grooves to make it cook faster on the hot-plate? Clearly not. My PlayStation 3 doesn't come with a spoiler fitted to make it load faster and my bed hasn't been lowered to impress the ladies.

The furthest extreme I've seen car modifying taken was courtesy of my mate who quite frankly I keep as a friend purely for his humorous antics. Not content with buying a Volkswagen Polo from eBay of all places and then travelling 300 miles to collect a car that clearly wasn't as specified in the advert, he's spent a large amount of time flushing his money down the drain modifying the poor car. Let me throw some figures at you. He bought the car for £3000 and has since spent £750 on a exhaust, £100 on silver door pin covers for when the door lock pops up, £150 to have the rear boot handle spray painted, £500 on a sound system that flattens the car battery in five minutes, £150 to have the front grill replaced and the icing on the cake - £200 to have the engine re-mapped.

Now re-mapping isn't changing the location of the engine parts, but having a boffin with a laptop plugging up to the engine and magically generating more power from it. This sounds great and for £200 you can't go wrong you must be thinking. Only problem is that Volkswagen are German and no-one designs machinery better than them, particularly when you consider the people employed to do the tricky calculations under the bonnet barely see daylight and instead see numbers flashing before their eyes. As a result, £200 laptop man has managed to confuse the sophisticated computer that controls all facets of the engine working correctly and my mate now drives around with so many warning lights on his dashboard it's permanently Christmas for him.

What he should've done if he wanted a Volkswagen Polo with more oomph is to have purchased the GTI version. The Polo comes with the same turbocharged 1.8 litre engine found in the Audi TT; albeit one that produces 148bhp rather than 237bhp. Clearly Volkswagen have put their sensible hats on as anymore power than the 148 would quite frankly be scary, so no need to get the laptop out then.

Thanks to this relative restraint under the bonnet the chassis can cope with the power, giving you the confidence to throw the car into any corner and feel confident you won't end up in a hedge. It'll still race to 60mph in just 8.2 seconds mind. The Polo GTI is what made the original Golf GTI so exciting before it got bloated with age - it looks like the standard hatchback save for a few subtle tweaks to the front grill and ride height, but it has real spirit and the feeling that there is nothing superfluous to distract from the joy of driving it.

It's far closer to the cost of the original Golf GTI too with a new Polo GTI costing under £15,000 which taking into account inflation is marginally more than the original GTI's £5,700 price tag in 1981. Compared to the massive £22,000 the Golf GTI now commands new this really is a no brainer. It would save my friend a fortune in time and money - especially a second hand version.

The Volkswagen Polo GTI is perfection - so keep your hands off.

Mark Creese is a writer and a car enthusiast. Here he discusses his enthusiasm for the VW Polo GTI. See The VW Polo GTI Here.

Why Become a Property Developer

The exciting thing about property development is that any one with reasonable financial backing can get into it. In this article we shall discuss the attractions of property development.

One of the principle reasons behind the growing popularity of property development is the anticipated return on investment. Unlike the stock market which is unpredictable and therefore somewhat scary, property prices in the UK have risen steadily since 1945, not withstanding a few cyclical downturns.

Therefore many people rightly believe that so long as you buy carefully, conduct thorough research, renovate in the interests of your target market and budget carefully; there is a lot of money to be made in property development.

As a result the way that property developers are perceived has changed over the years. Property development is no longer the preserve of ruthless big business but is open to anyone who can afford to pay a mortgage and building costs. As such, more and more people are quitting their day jobs to become property investors, lured by the attraction of quick and sizable profit.

As well as offering large profits, property development also provides a creative way to make money for those who want a career change. Unlike most office jobs, if you are a property developer you do not have to sit at your desk all day- quite the reverse in fact. Property developers spend most of their working day on site supervising their projects or out in the field talking to estate agents and local planning authorities.

Furthermore, as there are no specific training or qualifications required, property development really is a democracy of ability. Anyone who has an aptitude for it can be a property developer, regardless of their professional or education background.

The other reason why barriers to entry are so low is that you do not need overheads to be a property developer since most of the work is carried out on site. This means that all the necessary investment goes on purchasing and renovating the property and turning it around for a profitable sale.

Trowbridge Building Supplies is an independent builders merchant based in Ashton Mill in Wiltshire.

9 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight quickly is not easy and most of the time the solution is only temporary. You no doubt need to find ways to lose weight fast. If you don't control your diet and other habits, chances are that you will put on weight in a matter of days. In this article we are going to discuss some ways to lose weight fast and how to maintain it at that level.

1. Method one provides us with ways to lose weight fast. You must eat more vegetables and fruits. Don't eat foods that contain too much fat, especially sweets and junk food. If you don't like to exercise, try going for a walk about an hour after eating a meal. Make it a habit to do an activity each day that requires extreme energy input. Unless you eat healthily, no matter what other ways to lose weight fast you try, they will fail.

2. Tip two provides us with yet more ways to lose weight fast! Eat diet foods, but don't forget the effectiveness of a balanced diet. Drinking green tea after every meal is a natural way of losing weight without much effort. If you don't like the taste of it you can also use green tea nutritional supplements as ways to lose weight fast.

3. Tip three is yet another great couple of ways to lose weight fast. Don't drink soda and other carbonated soft drinks.

4. If a friend or family member is also trying to find ways to lose weight fast, make your time table together. It can be easier for two people to find ways to lose weight fast together.

5. Muscle building is also a way of burning fat. Muscles are smaller and therefore do not show up like fat does. You can keep a pair of dumb-bells in your room and try to lift them for a few minutes each day to develop biceps. This activity will also increase the metabolism rate and release energy instantly. Dumbbells are one of the great ways to lose weight fast.

6. Avoid fried meat and grilled food. Instead, include vegetables soup and salads in your diet. Again changing your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.

7. Don't eat too much at once. Make a time table of eating 5 or 6 meals a day. While eating, make a mental note of how much you have eaten instead of talking to someone or watching TV. Change your diet and you will find new ways to lose weight fast!

8. Check your weight regularly and monitor your progress. If you have set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight in a week, then see that you are able to achieve it. You need to be determined to lose weight, if you see that you have lost weight it will motivate you and provide yet another ways to lose weight fast.

9. If you are addicted to chocolates or cookies, don't stop eating them at once. Instead, try to cut down on their intake gradually. Diet is responsible for your weight, cut it out gradually as another group of ways to lose weight fast.

Hopefully the tips above will help you find ways to lose weight fast. Once you've found one of the many ways to lose weight fast make sure you stick with it and maintain your weight.

Everybody is different, and so what works as ways to lose weight fast for one person may not ways to lose weight fast for another. If you experience any discomfort when using any of the ways to lose weight fast then see your doctor.

Want to know how to lose 14 pounds in a week? Watch the fat literally fall off your body! Get your free fat loss report, "A Shocking Expose of the 12 Biggest Scams, Cover-ups, Lies, Myths and Deceptions in the Diet, Supplement and Weight Loss Industries!" at Burn The Fat [].

Tips for Buying a New Cricket Bat

When it comes to buying a new cricket bat there are a number of factors that you need to address before making your final decision to purchase a new cricket bat, such as:

- The brand,

- The size,

- The model,

- The weight,

...these are just a few factors to consider.

This article will look briefly at a few tips to follow when it comes to replacing your old favourite bat with a new cricket bat.

Choosing a cricket bat based on its brand really comes down to personally preference, as realistically there is not much major difference between brands. They all have cricket bats with similar attributes and features; it is the variation between models that I would pay closer attention too, not the brand name. However it is worth mentioning that some of the new Kookaburra cricket bat models are almost unique, as some are now reinforced with a new graphite matrix, giving "maximum power transfer and increased strength".

When buying a new cricket bat, carefully select the model of cricket bat that most suitably fits your style of play. As some bats are designed specifically certain styles in mind, for example the Kookaburra Big Kahuna, is designed for strong, 'big hitters'. Whereas the Kookaburra Kahuna Ricky Ponting cricket bat is an excellent choice for a stroke player who likes to hit boundaries.

It is very important when buying a new cricket bat to choose the correct size bat. As a bat that is too large or too small will only hinder your playing ability. I've found the best way to determine if a bat is of the right size, is to stand in your batting stance and rest the toe of the bat against the outside of your back foot, lean the cricket bat so that the top of the handle rests next to the inside groin of your front leg. If the bat is of the right size it should rest comfortably next to your box on the inside groin of your front leg.

The weight of a cricket bat is probably most important and you should choose a lighter bat where possible. A lot of players make the mistake of buying a bat which is too heavy and their performance suffers as a result, this is especially applicable to younger players who are often lulled into buying bats which are either to heavy or too big. As an adult I tend to choose a weight of around 2' 8 - 2' 10 oz, in a short handle (SH).

You should also take into account to grade and type of the willow of the cricket bat. Most bats are made from English Willow, which is a soft fibrous wood, with good striking qualities and is the best option. There is also Kashmir Willow, which is cheaper, harder and quite durable. It is often used in junior bats and produces less ball striking satisfaction. Always choose English Willow given the option.

Cricket bat willow is graded on a scale from G1+ to G4. A willow grade of G1+ is the highest grade and is used by the top professionals, it is the best willow and is unbleached with straight even grains and no markings or discolouration. It's more expensive but as always you get what you pay for!

Grade 4 (G4) willow is often non-oil and will usually have a covering on the face, such as an anti-scuff covering. It is the lowest grade of willow, which is represented in the price. If you have the money always opt for the highest grade willow you can afford.

You can now buy cricket bats online cheaper than you can offline, as online stores tend to have fewer costs associated with their businesses and so can offer cheaper prices and discounts. Also most offer guarantees on their bats so you can return it if the size or weight is not quite what you want. A sneaky tip; if you see a new bat you like go to your local store, check the size, weight, feel and pickup, then buy online, so you'll get exactly what you want and save money in the process.

These are just a few ideas and tips I consider when buying a new cricket bat, most important are the bats size, weight and feel. Obviously the price is an important factor, but by buying online you can often save money.

Discover amazing cricket tips and tricks at Cricket that you can use today to explode your cricket results!

Or visit to pick up a great deal on a new cricket bat today.

Volkwagen Golf MK1 - A Modern Day Classic

With the VW Golf MK1 (Rabbit in th US) Now fast becoming a 'Modern day Classic'. There
is fast become a growing market for 'Restored' Cars. With the most desirable examples
i.e. the Campaign edition Commanding premium prices.

The German Built Volkswagen MK1 was first produced in April of 1974 and production continued until 1983.

Over the years the models were updated. From the metal chrome bumpers to larger plastic ones. 5 speed Gearboxes, Fuel injected engine 1600cc then the 1800cc All Followed.

The earlier models (pre 1979) Are also now becoming very desirable. The chrome bumpers alone are fetching big money.

The main problem with the earlier models is they rust. The main areas they rust are the inner front wheel arches, Outer and inner sill panels, Front and rear floor sections and the Inner rear arches. If you manage to find a good one grab it. Quality early cars can appreciate in Value and therefore will offer a good investment.

1981-83 Cars were produced in great numbers with the GTi and Convertible been the Top of the Range. Yet these still suffer really badly with rust. There are plenty of 1600 gti hatchback still around, yet finding a good one is becoming increasingly difficult. Apart from rusting they also suffer with numerous fuel Injection faults often caused by the fuel filler neck rusting. If you can get your hands on a 'Good one' not only will you have a good usable everyday car but a 'modern classic' that should increase in value.

The most desirable now among enthusiasts and collectors is the 'Campaign' Edition. This was made from August 1983 until 1984. This model features Factory Fitted steel Sunroof,Leather Bound steering wheel, Green tinted glass, Spring loaded fuel cap key cover , Fog lamps in the grill and Pirelli 'P' Alloys. The models command some serious prices. But when looking at purchasing a campaign model as the are a lot of 'Fake' ones out there.

Volkswagen Golf Blog for more hints and tips Volksland